Thursday, April 15, 2010

Reflections on Milwaukee

What we know:
- LaTroy Hawkins is exactly the pitcher we expected.
- Alfonso Soriano has no business wearing a fielding glove - and batting gloves are becoming debatable.
- Nothing good ever happens when you walk a pitcher.
- Spellcheck needs to go away. Back to Iowa. If they'll have him.

What we suspect
- Lou Pinella has no idea what the score is. All he knows is, if the team is smiling, they're leading.
- The Boo-Hoo Crew will still be boo-hooing come October
- Two of the best hitters in the game are in the NL central
- Neither of them are on the Cubs - yet.

Can't complain about a series win, but you can complain about Jeff F*cking Sam(F7)a. He's proven yet again that 1 pitch just ain't gonna cut it in the majors. It barely makes it in the minors. He needs to go. As soon as Lilly comes back. Tylermania! is alive and well. Soriano has been put on notice, even though he hasn't. Sadly, we're stuck with that crap for another 4 years, 150+ games.

Next up are the b-slapped Astros who may actually be worse than the Pirates this year...


Anonymous said...

Not saying Sori isn't killing our lineup, but it seems a weird series reflection to point out his batting woes when he went 3-7 with a walk.

MGb said...

But this is also the series during which Lou made it clear that he doesn't trust Soriano's glove any further than Fonzy can hit a low-outside breaking ball.