Friday, September 26, 2008

How I feel about the Sox Part 3 of X

So what about the Sox MGb. You must really hate that they won the WORLD SERIES RIGHT??? That must drive you CRAZY?!?!?

Nope. Not even a little. See, that what the Sox fans I run into have to realize. I don't care. First of all, it's old news. WHAT-HAVE-YOU-DONE-FOR-ME-LATELY? Whether you won it 3 years ago, or 100 years ago - doesn't matter. Did you win Last year? No? Then shut up. Here's what winning in '05 really means - "At one time, MY team was better than YOUR team and MY team won the WORLD SERIES." Got that? Need to write it down?'s what winning in 1908 means - "At one time, MY team was better than YOUR team and MY team won the WORLD SERIES."

Is there an echo in the room?

So at the end of the day, it means squat. Bragging rights. As if I care enough about you to want to brag to you. Once again - get over yourselves.

You know who gets to brag for now? Whoever won most recently. I don't even remember who that was off the top of my head (Tigers?), because after the Cubs are eliminated, I no longer give a crap. Not even for a minute...

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