Friday, September 19, 2008

Where ya been Eddie???

Some day we'll go all the way....Yeah...Like tomorrow, jacka@%! Don't get me wrong Eddie, we appreciate the thought, and we know you've been around before.("The only problem with Eddie Vedder singing 'Take me out to the ballgame'...He sings it like Eddie Vedder..." I do a pretty good impression of that BTW)", but aren't we just a bit late to be jumping on the PR bandwagon?

And, by the way, your song makes me want to shoot myself. It's a depressing melody, man. We're depressed enough. You got no "I'm still alive" vibe for us at all? Some day we'll go all the way...yeah...someday we'll go all the way...

The lyrics are sweet though. I particularly like this line: There's magic in the ivy and the old scoreboard | The same one I stared at as a kid keeping score.

But hey, it's all good... We love ya Eddie...just would've been nice if you'd done it, say, 10 years know, before your career died...:D just kidding...

It was closer to five years ago...

Which would be 2,628,001 minutes ago, including this one...

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